Sunday, August 14, 2011

Shake it off and Step up.

Its amazing how God teaches us lessons. This past week I started school, this new school I am going to is huge and confusing to just give you an idea of how confusing it is I got lost 10 times today. In English yesterday we had to copy a quote on the board and the quote really caught my attention because it really hit home with me.  It talked about how when you are in a tough spot in life you have the potential to open your eyes and open your heart.  Than today we read a parable about a mule stuck in a well and the farmer decided to that neither the mule or the well were worth saving so he got some of his neighbors to help him bury his mule alive in the well.  So they start putting the dirt in the well and the mule shakes it off and the light bulb goes off in his head, if I shake off the dirt and than step up I can get out of this well. My English teacher gave us this speech about how if we fail or do poorly on a test or just mess up in live it is up to us to shake it off and try harder.  In another one of my classes I am the only girl I knew I would be considering I am taking a construction.
This is just like what God has been showing me this summer, He has taught me to overcome my weakness to exceed I think I can do and to glorify his name by my thoughts and actions.  He has been teaching me to how to be bold and stand out so that I can go out into the world and spread his name and do his work.

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