Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A few of my Favorite things (Part 2):

My team did 6 Vacation Bible Schools (VBS), my ministry group led 3 of these VBS.  The second VBS my team did was my favorite one.  I love to work with children in general; I usually work with the younger kids.  However, this week I worked with the teenage group.  The way we ran our VBS was that one person ran each of the 5 different stations and then 5 of us were each in charge of a group.  I figured that the other group leaders would probably choose the younger kids for their groups, so I headed for the older kids. Older kids are not my forte.  This particular week I was struggling with the Lord, and was not that open to hearing him.  Because my kids could mostly understand English we could explain the gospel better to them and go into more detail then we would with the younger kids.  

At one our Stations my teammate, Seth, was talking about our skit of the day. He was talking about how God hears us pray. Which “ironically” is exactly what I had been questioning, if God could hear my prayers? Seth then went on to tell the kids that how much God loved them, again exactly what I doubted too.  Seth did not know what was going on with me, but everything he was telling the kids was what I needed to hear.  It’s amazing how God works.  

 I was working with an age group I don’t normally work with.  If I had been with the younger kids, I would not have heard the same message I did with the older kids.  This week was the week that I really connected with my kids, I could have real conversations with them, instead of broken English conversations that none of us truly understood.  

I thought I would end this post by showing some of the awesome photos my teammate Kristen took on my camera from this VBS.

One of the kids reciting the Bible Verse for the day

Drawing a picture about the day's bible story

Blowing Bubbles

Helping at one of the stations

The Bible verse for the second day of VBS

David and Goliath skit

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